If this option is turned on, then the problem of Amazon Music queue works but not downloading will happen if you are not connected to Wi-Fi. Scroll down and find ' Download only on Wi-Fi ' and turn off it. Your effort to provide specific details, helped. Open Amazon Music and go to ' My Music ' > ' Settings '. website (usually info mining) part of the connection.device recognition (complex, including ‘fingerprinting’)Ī subtle change somewhere in that stack, detected by the website, can make a website step back.The error reporting (thanks) that an invalid credential was refused, has within its scope, other info mining done by many websites now. Scroll down and find Download only on Wi-Fi and turn off it. device recognition status when you tried download-and-purchase Open Amazon Music and go to My Music > Settings.device recognition status when you first Signed In.Might be something of an internal glitch at - OR, how their website determines recognition of your computing device.Īs in, their website found some difference, between: music up on Amazon's site to invite you to get hooked and buy the CD. when and where your download-and-purchase attempt occured. Sounds like had trouble accepting your Log In ‘credentials’ (username and password, plus more - keep reading).