Please follow any instructions about how many decimal places to use. This is usually a whole number but may be a decimal value. Some questions require you to enter a number with no other text. Please see below what is accepted as the correct format: Numbers You will only be awarded a mark for a question if you use the correct answer format. How to answer questions in the numeracy exam: The nursing numeracy exams as well as the practice tests contain both generic numeracy questions and numeracy questions set in either an adult, child, mental health or learning disabilities setting. The practice tests for numeracy are the same as the live exams in that there are 15 questions of applied numeracy set in a nursing or midwifery context. The questions are specifically written for the practice tests and the content is mapped to the seven platforms of the Future Nurse standards and to the six domains of the Future Midwife standards. They have produced practice tests to help you check your understanding and readiness for the new CBT and learn more about the question format, style, and level of difficulty.
The NMC is introducing a new Test of Competence in August 2021. Practice tests for the Test of Competence 2021